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God and the Paranormal

Exploring ghosts, UFOs, magic, cryptids, psychics, and other high strangeness from a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW.
Join your hosts Suzanne Williams and John McWilliams as they examine current paranormal claims and how they affect the way we think about reality.

Why a Christian podcast about stranger things? Yes, there are many crucial topics for us to ponder and engage, such as evangelism, sanctification, outreach, and discipleship. However, there are often situations in which less important side issues sneak up from behind and bite the more important ones.

Although the supernatural is just one component among many others in a biblical worldview, it's becoming increasingly evident that unbiblical paranormal beliefs are significantly altering the worldviews of our society and of many Bible-believing Christians. The pop-culture paranormal makes people question what they've believed to be true, which ultimately leads many to question the integrity of God's Word.

Worldview matters, and when worldviews change, there will be tangible consequences to evangelism, discipleship, and faith in general. "God and the Paranormal" takes an in-depth look at what "experiencers" claim and how the phenomena interact with scriptural truth.



Episode 1   –   Whatever Happened to the Supernatural? While talk shows and paperbacks eagerly peddle a confusing, mysterious supernatural, mainline Christianity seems to treat the true, biblical supernatural as a myth. What happened? The Bible is a supernatural book revealing God's supernatural work. Why has the miraculous become an embarrassment to many believers? Can we reclaim the view of the unseen realm described in Scripture? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 2   –   Not of this World: Agents from the Unseen Realm (Parts 1 and 2) We dream of wonderlands, enchanted forests, and somewhere over the rainbow, but God's Word describes a place so awesome that no mind has imagined it. Yes, believers will one day move to that new address, however, it already exists, and it is occupied by an amazing population. What does Scripture tell us about these dwellers in the unseen realm? GO TO EPISODES...

Episode 3   –   Supernatural Intrusions Ephesians 6:12 tells us clearly that our most crucial earthly struggles are not with the flesh and blood of this world. Observable, physical events sometimes emanate from a dark world with spiritual forces of evil. Does the proposition laid out in Ephesians have explanatory power in today's paranormal phenomena? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 4   –   The Ephesians Hypothesis In Ephesians 6, we have a clear hypothesis about reality. By claiming it to be a hypothesis, this doesn't mean it's a guess or that there is doubt that it's true. Simply, the statements make predictions that are testable. In future episodes, we'll use the truths in Ephesians 6 to make predictions that can be compared with real-world observations. GO TO EPISODE... or download transcript

Episode 5   –   Ghosts and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night One of the most precious hopes in Christianity is the promise that our spirits live on after this earthly body dies, but is that a recipe for a ghost? What exactly happens to our souls, our real selves, after death? Can we communicate with loved ones who have departed this natural realm? Are there ghosts in the Bible? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 6   –   Giants in the Land: The Nephilim and Their Kin The Nephilim are a biblical fact, but what were they? Are they giants? Are they still among us? Do they pose a threat? Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Why did God destroy the world because of the sins described in Genesis 6? Do giants still roam the earth? Is all of this too strange for Christians to talk about? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 7   –   Bigfoot and Friends... Wait, I Thought this was a Paranormal Podcast Bigfoot and other cryptids (legendary creatures) are rock stars in pop culture. Why? What possible effect could a big hairy animal have on worldviews? What should Christians think about Bigfoot? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 8   –   Bigfoot Jumps the Fence: What Do We Do With the Creepier Cryptids? Wendigos, Mothman, Dogman, Skinwalkers, Rakes, Crawlers, Shadow People, Chupacabras, Indrid Cold, Black-eyed Children, Jersey Devil, Hat Men, Mantis Men, Reptoids… Is there no end to the fringiness! Why so many cryptids? Is myth rooted in fact? Would God create creepiness? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 9   –   It Hitchhiked into My House An interview with Don who encountered a dark entity in his house. GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 10   –   Rime of the Ancient Astronauts Is the Old Testament accurate when it comes to history and science? Does it plagiarize stories from other cultures? Can we trust Apocryphal writings and pseudepigraphs like the 1st Book of Enoch? How could all this possibly tie in with extraterrestrials? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 11   –   Mystic Places, Sacred Spaces Are there locations around us with ramped up supernatural energy? Are there portals we can open if we just have the right key? Does science know about extradimensional entities? What about Stonehenge, Nasca, the Great Pyramids, and Ley lines? GO TO EPISODE...

Episode 12   –   Things That Are Just Plain Weird: A Potpourri of Potentially Paranormal Not the highest strangeness, but strange nevertheless... Will-O-the-Wisps, Old Mike, sittinn' up with dead, zombies, ball lightning, spontaneous human combustion, paranormal stinkiness, death crowns, and weird things that fall from the sky. GO TO EPISODE...



QuickPods... Brief supplements to help understand episodes.

QuickPod 1   –   God: The Supreme Supernatural As we discuss paranormal things in this series, we'll rely heavily on what Scripture says about the beings that now live in the unseen supernatural realm. The Bible never implies that God is one of many. No, God is completely in a category of His own. He Created all that is. He is apart from all that is. He is over all that is. He is Lord over anything we call paranormal. GO TO QUICKPOD or download transcript

QuickPod 2   –   How Did You Get That Out of the Bible? Skeptics often claim the Bible is entirely subject to the reader's interpretation, and thus unfit as a standard for truth. We believe Scripture is perspicuous–a fancy word that simply means intended to be understood. How can we know what the Bible means? GO TO QUICKPOD or download transcript

QuickPod 3   –   What Can't God Do? The Could-He-Would-He Principle In many allegedly paranormal scenarios, it's common to hear: But, couldn't God do that if He wanted? Can God do everything? Isn't He omnipotent? Could He do it? Would He do it? GO TO QUICKPOD or download transcript

QuickPod 4   –   Speak of the Devil – Or Should We? Keeping a Balanced View of Spiritual Warfare. Nowhere in Scripture are we urged to relax and think less about the devil. Rather, many passages encourage us to be sober-minded and watchful because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. A clear, balanced view of the Enemy is crucial for living a fruitful life. GO TO QUICKPOD or download transcript

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